This conference is the first Commonwealth Lawyers Association (CLA) regional meeting and follows a decision taken by the Council in 2008 to organise an event to focus on a specific region in the year in which no Commonwealth Law Conference is due to take place.
The theme of the conference is ‘The 21st Century Lawyer: Present Challenges & Future Skills’ and the two programme streams will focus on ‘Human Rights & the Rule of Law’ and ‘Corporate & Commercial Law’ with an emphasis on issues of importance within the host country and wider region.
The conference will focus on the provision of practical training and skills development. It will also offer high-profile keynote addresses, an exhibition and a number of satellite meetings hosted by other Commonwealth and legal associations which will take place in the wings of the conference.
The sessions will offer practical training which will provide and further develop the legal skills of those attending, in addition to providing the usual networking opportunities and exciting social programme. It is anticipated that the regional conference will primarily be attended by lawyers from the host jurisdiction and the immediate neighbouring countries
The Conference Venue is the Transcorp Hilton, 1 Aguiyi Ironsi Street, Maitama, Abuja.
Paragon Conventions
18 Avenue Louis-Casai
1209 Geneva, Switzerland
Tel: +41 (0)22 533 0948
Fax: +41 (0)22 580 2953
Email: info@commonwealthlaw2010.org