Palm Reading: Taking Your Destiny in Your Palms!

Palm reading also known as chiromancy is one of the many pseudo-sciences (a method that tries to explain physical phenomena without scientific proof to back it up).

It is an art of foretelling that uses the hand lines as well as the palm’s markings to connect the reasoning of the mind with the heart’s intentions.

The basic theory behind palmistry is that the palm encompasses information about the personality of an individual, future health conditions, physical body as well as the important occurrences of life.?

All these are supposedly revealed in the line of the dominant hand. This science also analyses each person’s different thumb positions as well as some other unique characteristics.

Palm reading is a sacred art that was practised for 5000 years by the people of ancient China and India.

Historical evidences show that the Egyptians and Babylonians also used the palms lines to predict the future. However, an interesting fact is that the palms of every person is unique ,and so are the lines.

Although there are over ten lines that can be found on the hand, the three mentioned below, are often most considered by palmists.

Life line- The life line is the first line that is examined by the palmists.

This supreme line is read to predict about the longevity of a person’s life, his vitality as well as dynamism.

Also known as paternal line, this arc-shaped line stretches between the thumb and the index finger towards the wrist. A break in the line, with a small line crossing it, is said to show the detection of a serious medical problem that is going to crop up at sometime in a person’s life.

Other palm readers claim that the life line has nothing to do with how long one lives. Rather, they claim that the length–how long or short the life line is – determines how much energy and vigour a person has for life itself.

Heart line- The first prominent line, below the fingers is heart line. Also referred to as the curve of creativity, this line depicts the emotional nature of a person.

It tells whether a person is introvert, cold or extrovert.

Breaks and chains in our heart line represent the fluctuation in our emotions.

If the heart line is long and straight, the person has a cold temperament. Heart line also records the emotional state of mind as well as heart’s physical condition.

Emotional breakdown as a result of fear and fatigue is indicated by small fragmented branches extending from the heart line.
Head line Mental capacity or intellectual capability is portrayed by the head line.

Head line depicts the extent of an individual’s reasoning power, memory and common sense attributes.

This line is generally curved in the middle.
Other lines found on the palm are:
Fate line
Career line or the line of Saturn is the fate line that also provides us information regarding our career as well as work prospects.
Sun line Also known as second fate line, sun line compensates for a fate line that is not too strong.
Mercury Line
Positioned under the fourth finger of a person, mercury line is the health line of an individual.
A psychologist, Mr. Joseph Olayode, describes palm reading as a very old art.

“It is more of a spiritual thing because there is no evidence to back up the outcome of palm reading. People seek palm reading for different reasons – those who believe in the power of divination will request a palm reading because they believe in the power that knowledge of the future will give while others seek palm reading for entertainment or because they want to test the knowledge of the palm reader”.

Olayode stated that some people believe that the future can be seen when the palm is read, that is, what a person will become and the steps to take to achieve their destiny.

He noted that it was the belief in the power of the palmist that many people approach such medium when they are in difficult situations.

He pointed out that when the outcome of palm reading turns out to be negative; the reader is expected to provide possible solutions.