Praise the Lord! I began this message two weeks ago and took my text from Matthew 13:24-30, which deals with what is called the parable of the wheat and the tares (weeds), a parable told by Jesus.? In verse 36 of Matthew 13, his disciples asked him for the meaning, and he told them in verses 37-43.
I have said that from Matthew 13:24-30, one could say that there are two categories of people in the church today – genuine Christians and fake Christians. It is not everybody who claims to be a Christian that is a Christian. I want to go further in this message today.?
In verses 47-50 of Matthew 13, Jesus gave another parable about the Kingdom of heaven. He likened the Kingdom of heaven to a net cast into the sea, which gathered both the good and the bad, but eventually there was a separation at the shore. The good fish was put into the basket and the bad and worthless fish was cast away.
That again tells us that there are two categories of people in the Kingdom of heaven; there are fake and genuine Christians in church, and they must co-exist until the time of separation. To try to separate the fake from the genuine now will be premature. God will do it Himself at the fullness of time. He does not need anybody’s help.
Verse 50 tells us the end of fake believers. They will be thrown into the furnace of fire where there will be wailing and gnashing of teeth. Matthew 22:1-13 also talks about the good and the bad, the separation and the eternal punishment.
The wedding garment put on by those invited to the wedding in that passage is a metaphor for righteousness – holy and upright living in accordance with God's standard. It means right standing with God, which He expects every believer to possess (Rev 3:4-5, 19:7-8, Is 61:10, Zech 3:1-5).
Don’t judge any Christian
It is not for you to judge anyone who claims to be a Christian because you may be wrong. Tares and wheat look alike when they are growing until the harvest is ripe. The Bible says, “Judge not that ye be not judged” (Matt 7:1 KJV).
Another translation says, “Stop criticising others so that you may not be criticised yourselves”(Matt 7:1 The New Testament: A Translation in the Language of the People). Js 4:12 says, “Who are you to judge your neighbour?”(The New Testament According to the Eastern Texts). Who are you to judge another man’s servant? (Rom 14:4, Lk 6:37).
God doesn’t give up on anyone. The most stubborn fake Christian can still be saved if he or she will genuinely repent. Don’t judge. You may confuse weeds with wheat and vice versa. Leave judgement to God whose judgement is always true and just (Rev 16:5, 7, 19:2). God’s ways are true and just (Rev 15:3). God is the judge of all (Heb 12:23, Gen 18:25). Both the fake and the true Christian will give account to God after death (Heb 9:27). There’s life beyond the grave.
Thank you for sharing your time with me today. I believe that God has spoken to you already. I urge you to act on what you’ve read. Join me next week